Thursday, December 31, 2009


I received a new crock pot, a new breadmaker!! Amoung other things, but these were the most fun. I guess you have to be a Home Executive to like these kinds of!

Bullet Proof Vest

Over the holiday I had the opportunity to do something that I have never done before. I enjoy doing new things! My brother in law need a new cover for his bullet proof vest (he's a police officer) and I was the one to do it!! I took his old vest and used it as a pattern. We took a quick trip to the fabric store. A few stitches later it was done! It was the cover/holder of the protective stuff. These are very expensive so I was also able to save him a few bucks in the process!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This person's talent is incredible, creative and all the rest. I can't help but post her work!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009